All Around the World…

Manchester, Cairo, Bangkok, Kabul,


They just keep coming and coming.

These are not attacks, this is an assault.

This type of thing usually grabs a few lives, injures a few people and then goes away; resurfaces after a few months, years and deemed to be separate incidents.

This is different. It’s all part of the same thing, something much bigger is happening here I think.

This particular monster keeps rearing its ugly head in different areas all over the world. It never truly goes away, especially to those it has directly impacted, it stays with them always.

I mourn for those who have been taken and feel for the families and friends that have lost those they love because of these horrible events. Think of those who have been injured.

This might be frightening for you, and I am not trying to scare anybody.

You should already be scared.  Only an idiot or a fool wouldn’t be.

I don’t think a ‘This is it now’ thought process is going to happen here.

More like a ‘What is coming next?’

Image result for CairoImage result for kabul

Image result for london at night

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