The Coca Cola Button…

Is it me or has Donald Trump made the typical ‘idiot President’ move?

I mean the man has installed a ‘Coca Cola Button’ into the Oval Office so a butler will bring him and ice cold can/ glass of coke whenever he pushes it (Previously the Aide Call Button)

I mean OK it would be pretty awesome if I could push a button and have a butler bring me and ice cold can or glass of cola whenever I wanted one, but lets get real.

It’s such a waste of money that was probably taken out of the funds of the US Citizens to install, & it really isn’t necessary.

He could of at least made it a Diet Coke button anyway….Just throwing the suggestion out there. Or generally not be such a lazy fuck and go get it himself.

Just another harmless suggestion…

I weep for the American public :/

Image result for glass of coca cola oval office


The General Election

So Theresa May wants to hold a general election only 2 years after the Tories got back into power.

I don’t see why one is needed. The rules are simple, Tories won and they carried out the Brexit Referendum as promised – We are leaving the European Union (Do not confuse this with actual Europe, UK was never part of Europe anyway). This is not cause to change the rules and hold an early election.

To me ‘It is what it is’ and we should deal with it. I have been a Labour supporter all my life, but as it stands right now I will choose Theresa May over Jeremy Corbyn any day (Because lets be honest, that’s the REAL choice here).

I have every confidence that once this waste of time General Election is done, Mrs May will still be at Number 10 Downing Street. If not then the British Public need to sit down and have a serious talk with themselves.

During the course of Brexit – We needs stability at Number 10 right now.

Image result for theresa may general election 2017

The Hillsborough Disaster

Firstly, I will apologise at the lateness of this, but I feel it is better late then never.

Go back 2 days ago, then go back another 28 years from there at the Hillsborough Football Stadium in Sheffield.

Liverpool vs Nottingham, ย the South Yorkshire Police opened the gates of an already overcrowded stadium where a large influx of supporters for the teams piled in and caused the people at the front to be crushed to death.

They then had the cheek to attempt a cover up and blame the fans for their mistake, where was the remorse?

96 died that die. 766 were injured.

Never forget
Image result for hillsborough disaster

The Spice Epidemic…

‘Quickly, these cheap fixes gripped the city’s vulnerable kids, often teenage runaways or kids not long out of care’

I think they mean, the city’s most vulnerable kids (Often teenage runaways or kids not long out of care), quickly gripped these cheap fixes?

Sounds more accurate :/

Their choice, don’t feel sorry for them. Sorry, not sorry.


Image result for dont do drugs

Duh…. ย (Y)

Judy Garland

Remember that post I did about Celebrities getting sh!t over the characters they played?

I briefly mentioned Judy Garland and the way she was treated in real life to look ‘perfect’ for the part of Dorothy Gale in Wizard of Oz.

Here is just a glimpse of what that poor woman went through:

Image result for dorothy gale over the rainbow