Planes – Snippet

‘I think they call them planes. Short for Aeroplanes.

I look out of the window (Or what the white people would call a window, I guess) and I can see my brother, Akim, looking up in awe at these amazing contraptions in the sky.

I believe they are mostly made of metal and they can carry hundreds of people at a time. I wonder how they stay up there, way up there in the sky. I don’t understand how they do that, or why they are even here. Something tells me it isn’t good, but what could be worse?

I will let my brother have his moment, then after a few minutes have passed, I will get up and call him inside…’


‘Looking for…

(Insert name here), have you seen him?’

This is another facebook thing.

It’s not funny. GROW UP. :/


Some of these ‘Memes’ or pictures are of real people and their feelings are getting hurt by this. Just stop, there is no need to be so cruel.

Just because they think you are better than them. Obviously not if they have nothing better to do with their lives.

Some people :/

Third world problems

So my Internet has been down and out of action for a bit, and there was tantrums of ‘I need this’, ‘I’m cut off’ & ‘I can’t cope’.

You know what. If that’s as bad as it gets then I’m blessed.

I don’t think the young children starving and wasting away in Africa care much about lack of Internet,  maybe some don’t even know what the Internet is or even have access to it.

Makes you think doesn’t it.

They need food. Water. Places to live. Basic life essentials that we take far too much for granted.