Disagree with Donald Trump?

He’ll just fire you. It’s fine…


I’m with Sally Yates on this one.



He needs to be challenged and he needs to listen. Not kick people out and replace them with ‘Yes men’.


I would have personally refused to get off the bus…


Poor woman 😦

Poor kids.

As if this actually happened though!


Someone give that bus driver a Snickers,

What a Tw*t  :/ :/ :/

Trump Versus:

So in the first week or so of Mr Trump’s inauguration speech he has made a number of racist & disrespectful moves already and the dissent is growing at an alarmingly fast pace among the people of the United States & across the world it seems.

He plans to build a wall between the US and Mexico…& then make Mexico pay for it.

He has disrespected the Chinese by embracing in talks with the Taiwan President: Tsai Ing-Wen, when Taiwan has long been claimed as Chinese Territory & the United States have respected this for years, decades even.

He has also banned immigrants from entering the US – Mainly from the Middle East in places such like Iran, Syria, Libya. Places where people live in turmoil and are fleeing to save themselves and the ones they love.

They arrive in America in hope to escape and create a life for themselves and are being sent back to their deaths – THIS IS LITERAL.

Donald Trump is not a man, a human, or even a ‘thing’.

He is a monster – In every form a monster can be & a serious waste of oxygen. I have never, ever, ever, said anything so bad about anyone in my life.  I don’t even feel bad for saying it.

Oh AND…. He has the access codes to all of America’s Nuclear Weapons – There are ‘known’ to be 2,000 weapons of mass destruction in the United States alone. At any time, that demon can release one, any, all of them should he wish it.

Image result for donald trump nukes


I have to say tensions are running high, real high, and I have been skeptical of these war talks that have been rumored since..well…the end of the last war really.

I fear there may now be a lot of truth in it and it isn’t just scaremongering anymore.

Melania – America’s New First Lady

What exactly did Trump say to her?

More worryingly, is this a one time thing? – I doubt it.

Given the type of man he is and what he stands for, I think the people are right to be genuinely worried for America’s new First Lady.

The way her smile disappeared…its haunting.

I want to do good in the world…

…But I don’t know where to start.

You ask someone ‘What do you want to do?’


I want to make the world better.

I want to go to Africa and help install water mains and give them the life essentials they are currently deprived of, help tackle the ebola epidemic and contain it.

I want to set up homeless kitchens in major cities and easily accessible areas and be able to feed the people on the streets – The homeless, abused, and the army veterans that have been cast aside, among many others.

I want to end the wars in Syria and reach out to the people in North Korea.

I want to find the cure for cancer and give hope to those that don’t have it.

Be a shoulder to cry on and the voice of reason.

I don’t want to hurt other members of my race like the majority of us seem to want to do. I want to help them. I strongly feel we should all help each other.

But we don’t, we seem bent on destroying ourselves in the name of greed, power & corruption.

I don’t see the appeal.

Surely power should be used to save lives and not end them?


I having serious issues with myself here.

How can a small insignificant person such like myself, even look to begin to stand up and make a difference? Not being able to is a torture to me – I don’t have the means or the know how. Do I?

How can anyone not want to be a good person?

What is happening with their conscience?

I’m beside myself not being able to help and there are absolutely disgusting, vile, god awful people out there that kill millions of others and sleep soundly at night.

So messed up…


Obama said everything in America is going to be OK people…

If you just ‘believe’.

Does he know something we don’t?

He believes there is good and bad in everyone.

Well….so does this guy : (Go 1 min & 34 seconds in to get to the point)


Was from before the election, but it hits the nail on the head I think – I’m also a big fan of Mr Moran I must say \o/

Still –

I am curious about the speech that Donald Trump will deliver this Friday. Hopefully its a resignation? How I wish I could participate in protest marches right now over in America and scream obscenities: because I can. because I feel like it. And also because Donald Trump is who he is….and his surname is Trump. BAHAHAGAAHAAAHA. Such a child :3

It’s going to be OK everybody (Y)

When the Storms come…

For those who live in South of England, we advise that you stay indoors and under no circumstances should you travel as it is too dangerous.

Northerners – We advise that you put on your ‘Big’ coats today.


Image result for storm


Funniest thing I have read today. Sometimes memes are good & are quite funny. When you can relate to them too, that’s always good. My being a northerner and all 🙂


Bahaha 🙂


Iphones at 5 years old?


When I was 5 there wasn’t really an ‘internet’ as such and mobile phones were just about to be introduced to the world. If we wanted someone, we rang a landline on the off chance they might be in or we dragged our asses over to their house & knocked on the door.

Does a 5 year old even know how to work a mobile???

No disrespect or anything, its just that…

…when I was 5..I was making mud pies and sticking crayons up my nose.

You know, doing ‘fun’ stuff and not being anti-social.  O.o


Image result for child playing in mud mud pie


Image result for child coloring walls

Health conscious

So some of us (I imagine very few) are quite health conscious when they go out to eat or when eating in general (You guys are insane)

So instead of going for that Big Mac which you usually do, you make that extra effort to be good and buy that chicken salad instead from Adsa…only to find that it has more fucking calories and fat..than the Big Mac


All the superstores be like ‘Look at us, how good are we with our wide range of healthy food that isn’t healthy at all, because we cover it in shit’ 🙂

So if your eating out or looking at buying pre-made salad to be ‘healthier’….Just do yourself a favor & buy the Big Mac (Y)

Image result for big mac